Wireless Sensor Networks Low-Cost Light RFID Sensors for Communication Navigation in Space Missions DESCRIPTION: Under a NASA SBIR Phase I contract (Topic No. 2009-O1.05), in Collaboration with Georgia Institute of Technology, Virtual EM developed body-wearable...
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Wireless Sensor Networks Sensor Instrumentation and Wireless Communication DESCRIPTION: Virtual EM’s existing ZigBee/6loWPAN wireless module featuring an on-board antenna. The system has been developed as part of an Army SBIR Phase II project (Topic No. A08-169),...
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Wireless Sensor Networks Aptamers for Detecting Biological Warfare Agents (BWAs) DESCRIPTION: Under an Air Force Phase I SBIR project (Contract No. FA9550-07-C-0154), in collaboration with the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences...
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Wireless Sensor Networks Olfactory Cells for Detecting Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) DESCRIPTION: Under an NSF Phase I SBIR project (Contract No. IIP-0839598), in collaboration with the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University, Virtual EM has...
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